
How To Print Upside Down In Word

Please Note: This article is written for users of the following Microsoft Word versions: 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. If you are using an earlier version (Word 2003 or earlier), this tip may non piece of work for you lot. For a version of this tip written specifically for earlier versions of Discussion, click here: Upside-Down Printing.

Upside-Downwards Printing

For some printing jobs, you may have a need to print text both rightside-upwards and upside-downwards on the same piece of newspaper. Unfortunately, Discussion doesn't have a way to easily do this, instead but allowing you to rotate text 90 degrees left or right. (To impress something upside down yous need to rotate it 180 degrees.)

In that location are several workarounds you can try, still. First, if the information yous have to impress upside downward is adequately curt, you lot could apply WordArt. Your text is actually saved in your document as a graphics object, which Give-and-take allows you to rotate freely on the page. The merely drawback to this is that WordArt doesn't give you the range of text control that Discussion does, and it was never meant to handle large selections of text, such equally a quarter folio or a half page of information.

Another pick is to create your text in a different application and then insert information technology into Word as an object. (This is very similar to the WordArt arroyo, equally you are dealing with non-Word objects within Word.) For instance, you could create a fully rotated text object inside PowerPoint and then insert it in your Word document.

If you have access to a graphics program you could also endeavour these steps:

  1. Within Word, blazon and format your text equally you want it.
  2. Select the paragraphs you lot desire to ultimately be upside down.
  3. Press Ctrl+C to copy the paragraphs to the Clipboard.
  4. Switch to your graphics programme and press Ctrl+V. The text should now be within your graphics program. (Dissimilar graphics programs have different requirements for pasting information. Accordingly, you may need to make some modifications in this particular stride.)
  5. Use whatever commands your graphics programme provides to rotate the image past 180 degrees.
  6. Press Ctrl+A. In most graphics programs, this selects the entire canvas, which is your pasted and rotated text.
  7. Printing Ctrl+C. This copies the graphic image back to the Clipboard.
  8. Switch to Word and press Ctrl+V. The graphic paradigm (which is your text) appears in the Word document.

Now you tin can position your upside-downwardly text anywhere y'all desire. Of course, if you lot want to make changes to the upside-down text, you can't practise and so without redoing all these steps. Why? Because the upside-downwards data is not really text, but a graphic epitome.

Equally mentioned earlier, Word allows you to rotate text 90 degrees either left or right. This capability can be utilized to attain the await that is wanted. Try these general steps:

  1. Create a document using mural orientation.
  2. Put a 2-cell tabular array in the document.
  3. In the left cell, place the text y'all want to be rightside-upward.
  4. In the right cell, place the text yous desire to be upside-down.
  5. Rotate the text in the left cell by 90 degrees to the left.
  6. Rotate the text in the right prison cell past 90 degrees to the right.

The result, of course, is that you lot have text that is 180 degrees in relation to each other, which means it appears upside down when printed. Formatting text using this arroyo can be a bit challenging, but for some uses information technology may exist an piece of cake style to achieve the desired result.

Yous could apply a like approach using a text box instead of a tabular array. Follow these steps:

  1. Insert a text box in your document.
  2. Enter into the text box any text you want it to contain.
  3. Make certain the text box is selected.
  4. Display the Format tab of the ribbon. (This tab is visible just when you consummate step three.)
  5. Click the Change Text Direction tool, in the Text group. Word provides some options for rotating your text.
  6. Choose the Rotate All Text 90 Degrees option. Your text is rotated 90 degrees to the right.
  7. Click the Rotate tool in the Conform group. Word provides some options for rotating your text box.
  8. Choose the Rotate Right xc Degrees option. Your text box is rotated 90 degrees to the right, which means your text is now rotated 180 degrees.

Finally, perhaps the two easiest solutions don't even use Discussion at all. First, you could utilise a different programme (such as Publisher) that supports upside-down text. Second, you could only put your paper through the printer twice—once for the rightside-up text and once for the upside-downwards text. (Of class, yous would have to rotate the paper by 180 degrees for each printing pass.)

WordTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Word training. (Microsoft Word is the almost pop discussion processing software in the world.) This tip (8341) applies to Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. You lot can find a version of this tip for the older menu interface of Word here: Upside-Down Printing.

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With more than 50 non-fiction books and numerous magazine articles to his credit, Allen Wyatt is an internationally recognized author. He is president of Sharon Parq Associates, a computer and publishing services visitor. Larn more about Allen...


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